Wednesday, January 7, 2015

THX 1138; Creation vs Destruction; the battle between hope and fear

As mentioned in the last blog, the dystopian genre is meant to be viewed as precautionary warnings of what a civilization can become if society becomes unbalanced in what is valued.  However, in THX 1138, the protagonist proves there is still hope for humanity and all is not lost though it does hang in balance with the very real fear of reality. 
Set in a futuristic society, where the idea that humanity could both create and destroy, people work towards the overall welfare of the masses.  Individuality does not exist and conformity is required.  The presence of the color white also plays into the fact that this society values rules, authority, manipulation, reverse psychology, order and above all, the depletion of natural law. Yet, this same society celebrates human intelligence to be able to create technology that could destroy human flaws.  It is a fragile, dangerous, vicious cycle.

The Chrome Robots insist on generating a “we are here to help you” message and further push the reverse psychology upon the human race which then causes people to second guess their own actions.  Humanity, little by little, is broken down through intense brainwashing and medications that maintain hormone balance at unrealistic levels.  This way, if the balance drops even a fraction, the person immediately feels the affects and feels disconnected from society.  When this happens it is hoped that the person will begin medication again to conform back to civilization.  If they do not return to the drugs immediately they are in violation of conformity and must be conditioned.  Only those with a strong will escape by being brave enough to take action, push forward and believe that they as individuals have a greater purpose in life.  But for the very same reasoning Harry Harrison wrote “MakeRoom! MakeRoom!” the question remains will enough people wake up and realize that their actions are indeed affecting all of humanities future? 

THX 1138 found it within him to push forward and not settle in a society that did not feel right.  During his journey, or escape rather, he met a few people who were seeking freedom as well.  One person in particular was SEN.  Unfortunately, though SEN shared the same belief as THX, he struggled to find courage within himself to break free due to the need for constant validation from others.  Due to this flaw, SEN eventually caved and returned to the life he despised.  But for him, the unknown was more terrifying. 

THX 1138, on the other hand, is driven, patient, persistent, and is able to lead himself, as well as those around him, to achieve greatness.  It is not that he is ‘uncontributing to society’; thought that is part of it, but it is more that he is an individual who understands life is not supposed to be so black and white, cut and dry.  Human beings are created to be complex and emotional.  This is something a robot driven world could never be able to begin to comprehend.  Because of this fact, this computerized world will never be ideal for humanity but rather, always remain confining and unrealistic.

A common ground between Soylent Green and THX 1138 is the need for escape but the familiar feeling of entrapment.  Though, in one film entrapment leads to tragedy, the other uses entrapment as motivation to overcome the repressing nature of the society.  This further proves that the Dystopian genre has multiple purposes but ultimately reminds humanity of its strength to overcome destructive societies; whether that be in the reactions to the films or the purpose of the films themselves.  However, it also continues to warn humanity of its own aggressive nature to pursue greatness that may lead to tragedy.  The balance between creation and destruction is very fragile.

1 comment:

  1. The balance between creation and destruction is indeed very fragile. Even in our real world society it can be seen the pressure to make money and go to work as much as possible is there because of our dwindling economy. I loved you analysis of the character SEN. I had a hard time analyzing what exactly what his motives were in the movie. You have seemed to hit the nail right on the head by he was very much like THX, but lacked the courage to break free and see what else lied beyond the subterranean dystopia. It really sends a message that not everyone has the power in themselves to break out of conformity. It takes a truly passionate person to break free and stop doing what society tell them to do.
